What can a group of people accomplish? We can accomplish all most anything if we stick together. Learning, then teaching can be very rewarding.
Once in a while you come across a person that you just click with. You don't know why but you do. You will do anything for them and visa versa. Well this group is just that! We are not close neighbors nor live in the same area. The internet really makes this a "Small World!"
Together we have created our own money making web site. One neighbor created a site with her own interests in the auction field. Another with her interest in stocks, silver sales and gold.
This neighbor created a site about investments. She had no clue before what investments were but learned a lot as she created the site. A neighbor even created a site that is involved with affilate marketing.
Examples above are just a few of what people can do. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to find your niche and start creating. We all are not "techies" but we all DO have imaginations.
Joining a group like this is always looking for the Newbie and eager to help.
Somthing new and valuable